Since there's enough to do, here's rundown of today's WYD highlights:
- Put copies of passport photo pages into the chaperone packets
- Put the birth certificates (new requirement from Dept. of State) into my packet
- Check the information on the phone tree, print, copy and put into chaperone packets
- Put one phone tree into the folder that will be left for our pastor and at the front desk
- Put the letter for the Vatican Museum tour into my packet
- Put the relevant email receipts into my packet that are for the Vatican Museum and Scavi tours
- Finish two bulletin submissions that I'm waiting on details for
- Write the newsletter articles
- Laminate the flag identification cards (actually it is 11x17 page with all the flags and their country)
- Create the cards that are the interior luggage tag (list our hotels & dates there, the pilgrim's name, and travel agency)
Once I'm done with that it is off to the youth room to tackle the pile of WYD related items:
- Create bags for each pilgrim with the key chain exchange items, bandannas, fans, etc
- Sort through the first aid things - most will go home with me so that I can pack it in my luggage and put some in my carry on bag
- Put name labels on the pilgrim books
- Put permanent marker in tub for day of departure - useful for labeling identical water bottles, etc.
I'm sure I'll come up with more, but there you go. The basics of my last full day of WYD prep (in the office - I'll be working from home in between hanging out with my brother).
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