Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Next Stop - Kansas City

I checked in for tomorrow's flights. My kitchen table is covered with things to pack (can't actually pack them or my dog gets anxiety attacks). I have folders and lists and my travel pillow all set.

And cold medicine. The frantic pace and the joy of having the school right next to my office has hit in the form a nasty cold.

Cold medicine and throat drops will get me through the rough spots. Overall though, I can't wait for NCYC. It is always an incredible experience. Plus I am so excited to see the teen from my youth group perform as an animator! I'll be the super proud youth minister with a box of kleenex near by during the opening session. Here's hoping I don't give him the cold tomorrow on our flights!

For those going to NCYC, I hope to see you there. For those not, sleep a little extra for me, please!

Friday, November 13, 2009

The Norm

There are just a pocketful of days until NCYC when I, like many other intrepid youth ministers out there, will head to Kansas City for a relaxing three day conference with 25,000 of our quietest and most restrained youth.


While I could use a bit more sleep between now and then, I am very much looking forward to NCYC. It is always fascinating to find out that as bizarre as my teens are, they are very much normal. Of course, our parish group will be attempting to get the best seats possible each day during the general sessions since we want to cheer on and get quality photos of our youth who is an animator.

In addition, this week has been all social justice, all the time. On Wednesday we had the informational meeting on our service trip to Bolivia. Last night was the Ohio service trip meeting. I am terribly excited for both those...now if only my Rosetta Stone software would show up, Spanish please, not the Italian that was incorrectly delivered. Last I checked, the national language of Bolivia was not Italian.

With all the major things brewing, I've had the important reminders to pay attention to the individuals too -

The teen who is in the school musical.
Two youth struggling with a huge family issue.
A young adult with a new job.
A young woman overwhelmed by new responsibilities...

Sunday, November 1, 2009

A Matter of Size

Thank God to the genius(es) who arranged for Daylight Savings. This always helps me get a bit more sleep just before our Diocesan Jamboree.

It is a bit after 7. I'm eating my pumpkin oatmeal in my office posting the Sunday reflections and getting ready to leave in a few minutes.

This year Jamboree is a prelude to NCYC. There is a workshop for all those going to NCYC and another one just for the adult leaders. As a tip to NCYC (actually NFCYM) for the sake of all youth ministers, could you put a low price coffee shop in the expo hall, open only to adults? The kids don't need more energy, but us 'grown-ups' sure could.

The Jamboree should be excellent. Bob Rice is our keynote. Really, how cool is that? (As said by one of my teens.) Well, I'm going to finish inhaling my breakfast and sally forth to the front parking lot to meet the teens.