Sunday, July 15, 2012


We are within spitting distance of our service trip to Guatemala. Luggage and carry-on bags are quite the subject of conversation - what to pack? What not to pack? What size? With or without wheels? Oh the details!

Today's Gospel has Jesus sending his Apostles out without even a spare set of clothes! But they could wear sandals - that was quite nice.  To go forth, to the unknown - the unknown people, places, and reactions. To go without any creature comforts. To go forth fully trusting that all you need will be provided. Now that is faith and trust.

Two things stand out to me about this. First, they would have what they needed provided. It may not be what they want, but it would be what they needed.  Second, while they went without material goods, they went together, in pairs.

My mantra to myself and the teens is to be open to the experience of these service trips. Our meals, lodgings, and daily tasks will be truly foreign in all regards.  They may not care for papaya juice or the nameless black bean log at breakfast, but they will be well nourished for the day's work. These trips that force us so far out of our comfort zone have the terribly unique and even brutal effect of making us realize more readily those times we mistake what we want for what we need.

After all these years it seems so obvious when Jesus would send his people out two by two. My Girl Scout camp counselor training where the "buddy system" was our standard operating procedure dictated the same action. I think, though, this was more than just a safety net. We are not meant to walk the journey alone. Whether it is a mission trip or the smaller mission of every day life as Christians, we walk it together. We forth together for comfort, for support, for reality checks, for all those little things we can provide for each other on the journey.

What wants are you mistaking for needs?
Who are you being called to go forth with today?

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