My sophomore year of high school I was in British and World Literature for my lit course. We had to do a research paper on a novel written by a non-American author. The intended length was 5-7 pages. After weeks of research, hundreds of index cards (all color coded, labeled, and hyper-organized), I turned in a 23 page paper on Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen. To be honest, this novel was and remains my favorite novel. However, when I handed in that paper, my poor teacher looked at it and shook his head. He told me no one who wrote more than 10 pages has ever gotten an A, so I shouldn't get my hopes up.
A while later we got our papers back. I broke that track record.
I didn't write this to brag, but rather point out a rather annoying personal habit - the hyper research and over-achiever resides in me, aching for a project to be let loose upon.
I mentioned I was musing over the state of the youth ministry. Accordingly, I want food for thought. Thus, I have a reading list of books to read or re-read (listed merely in the order they happen to be stacked on my desk):
- Leadership for Catholic Youth Ministry: A Comprehensive Resource. By Thomas East, et. al.
- Sustainable Youth Ministry by Mark DeVries
- The Vision of Catholic Youth Ministry edited by Robert J. McCarty
- Bringing Catholic Youth and the Bible Together edited by Brian Singer-Towns
- Growing Teen Disciples by Frank Mercadante
- Renewing the Vision by the USCCB
- Positively Dangerous by Frank Mercadante
- The Godbearing Life: The Art and Soul Tending for Youth Ministry by Kenda Creasy Dean and Ron Foster
- Contemplative Youth Ministry: Practicing the Presence of Jesus by Mark Yaconelli
I'm also highlighting articles I find online and in Group Magazine and Youth Worker (thank you to Evernote for helping to make that more organized).
I'd be curious if anyone out there has recommendations on what to read, comments on what I already have on the list, or any other thoughts you might have to share.
I have realized it is far too easy to fall into the day to day work of youth ministry and allow ourselves to believe that doing the work is sufficient. We must also be equipped. Spiritually we need to connect with God in our own lives. Theologically we must be sound in our understanding. Scientifically we must have an understanding of the way people in our ministries think, feel, and act (following some psychology feeds and Tweets is a great way to get this in understandable, reasonable sized doses). Administratively we need to have the best tools possible in our hands, on our computers, and shared with our leaders.
This research project is a chance to really dive into the theology, philosophy, and best practices of youth ministry though several points of view. Now I just have to get started! Time to get a cup of tea, open up a new Evernote notebook, and keep my dog off my keyboard.
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