Saturday, September 10, 2011

The Day Before

Everyone in ministry always is thinking of "the day." The day you need to deal with tragedy, suffering, mourning. We prepare. We have that file of counselors, therapists, extra leaders, local resources. We dread the day, but we know that it will come.

But what of the day before? We never know when "the day" will hit. Today could be the day before.

What are we doing to prepare ourselves and the people we work with? Are we laying the foundation of healthy spirituality and faith to sustain them through the time of pain? Are we making sure that they know and experience God's love?

As prepared as we may be to cope as ministers in our programing, are we equally prepared personally? Do you have someone to turn to for comfort? Do you know who you can call if you become overwhelmed? Do you have a network for support? Do you know how to identify when you are overwhelmed?

The vast majority of days are average. But for every extraordinary day, there is a day before.

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