Tuesday, November 11, 2008

What's in a Name?

Routinely I am asked by the diocese to do presentations on young adults.  Whether I use the "Theology of the iPod" concept or keep it simple and short, I always end up surprising some people.

What is interesting to me, is how much attention the young adults are getting in the world right now.  And it is positive.  Whatever your personal reaction to the election results are, the young adult vote and what it means became a force in American society that cannot be ignored.

The New York Times offers this article, Generation O.  Much of what the article says about the young adult population is not new; the newness lies in those who are listening.

Young people have the wherewithal, spirit, and desire to change the world for the better.  The question remains for those befuddled, frightened, or ambivalent, will you let them?

The question for churches becomes, will you let them?  

After all, wasn't it a young man, oh about 33, who started this all?

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