Sunday, November 23, 2008
Out with the Old
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Iron Man
7:00 to 7:20 Opening Activity
7:20 to 7:45 Iron Man clips & discussion
7:45 to 8:00 Prophets of a Future Not Our Own Discussion
8:00 to 8:20 Finishing the opening activity
8:20 to 8:45 Tale of Three Trees reflection and prayer
Cut outs in the shape of people; markers; pens; Bibles, copy of Iron Man (2008); copy of The Tale of Three Trees; candle.
Based off of Matthew 25.14-30
Opening Activity
Everyone gets one of the paper ‘people’ to decorate one side of. Use any of the supplies put out on the table in the back of the room. Please decorate it appropriately. You need to keep the backside clear with no decorations.
Iron Man Activity
We will watch a clip from chapter 3 of Iron Man. Clip ends when we hear Yinsen say, “This is a very important week, then.”
- What is going on in this clip?
- What did the doctor (Yinsen) do for Tony Stark?
- What are the talents that the two men, Stark and Yinsen, have?
- What effect did Yinsen have on the world up to this point?
- What effect did Stark have?
- Why did Stark refuse to use his talents?
- What does Stark do with his talents after this last question from Yinsen?
- Why do or don’t people decide to use their gifts and talents?
- What effect do we have on others?
- What can we do when we cause hurt, damage, or suffering?
- How can we try to use our talents and gifts for good?
- Why should we try to do good?
"Prophets of a Future Not Our Own" Discussion
Read the quote on the cards.
- What do you think is the meaning of this?
- Why do you think it was written?
- Do you agree with it, why or why not?
- How do you feel about the idea that “we accomplish in our lifetime only a tiny fraction” of God’s work?
- Do you think the fact we cannot do everything is liberating?
- What is the difference between a minister and a messiah?
- What is it that you think you might be a prophet of?
Finishing the Opening Activity
Now we will finish those little ‘people’ that you begun at the start of the night. For the next several minutes you will have a chance to silently write on the back of each person’s person. You will write a positive note about some talent, gift or positive trait that they have. There will be no commenting out loud or talking in general. (Play quiet, reflective music.) Once everyone is done, make sure people get their own ‘person’ back. Give them a few minutes to read them (silently still).
While they are writing, set up the next clip.
Tale of Three Trees
Before the story, watch the brief clip of Pepper and Tony in his workroom. Begin when she enters, end when he says, “I shouldn’t be alive unless it is for a reason.”
- Do you think we’re all alive for a reason?
- Is it the same reason for everyone or do each of us have an individual reason?
- What do you think that reason is?
- Where does that reason come from?
Read the storybook, The Tale of Three Trees.
Offer a short reflection on how we all have aspirations to go with our gifts and talents. No matter how disappointed we may be when something goes differently then we would wish, we still have a purpose. There are still good and great things we can do with the blessings we are given.
Read 1 Thessalonians 5.1-6
Instructions: We are children of day. Even when things are challenging or seemingly overwhelming, we are hopeful. We offer our gifts, our talents, and our time to help change that which is negative in our world. As we close, we pass this candle. Please offer one thing that you see as something troubling and also something that gives you hope. Then you pass the candle to the next person.
Now I had a good night with this. I ended up changing the closing a bit. Due to discussion, I concentrated on where they had seen light in their lives. Then I said something to the effect of (after turning all the lights off in the room): "You are the light for others, just as you have mentioned those that have been light for you. There will be times in your lives when you feel surrounded by darkness. But just as this candle is brightest in the complete darkness, the light of God that is with you always and the light within others will be strongest at those times. You only need to turn your face to it. You are all strong and beautiful souls. Your light is astounding to me and it is my prayer you never forget that."