Monday, July 7, 2008


All the helpful comments of, "You are brave" or "Better you than me!" have officially hit the pit of my stomach.  Within 24 hours I will be on my way to World Youth Day.  Over two years of planning, thousands in fundraising, and countless hours of preparatory meetings and administrative frustrations culminate in this two week pilgrimage.

Alas, all the 'helpful' support of friends and co-workers who express their amazement or general relief that I and not them take on this trip has resulted in adding to the already high level of stress and nerves I am experiencing.  Of course the shorter than expected hair cut is not quite helping.  Yes, I am at that point in the life of a youth minister where it seems God's sense of humor, or maybe irony, appears to be plaguing me.

Overly dramatic? Probably. But short hair, stress, and the frustrations with the visas are adding up to give me cause to live off of Tums and coffee.  Not good.  At least there are some treats from Whole Food's salad and deli area for super.

Due to the pilgrimage, posting will be sporadic (still).  I do hope to share some of the thoughts and reflections of the trip.  Escaping for a few minutes at the end of the night to the silence and space of the blogosphere will be a comfort!

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