Monday, March 24, 2008

Clear Signs Last Week Was Holy Week

And now, the top signs that a Catholic youth minister can tell last week was Holy Week:

6. On Holy Thursday you realize you are down to less than half a roll of toilet paper.

5. On Wednesday, the only day you get home while the sun is still up, you sit down on your couch only to immediately fall asleep and nap until the sun has set.

4. You build your wardrobe for the week around what shoes you can wear that are most comfortable but do not squeak, clack, or make other noises on the church floor. Your clothing choices in turn manage to be appropriate for Mass but also fully washable as you spend the afternoons in the church attic sorting through costumes and props for the the Living Way of the Cross. This also results in triggering your allergies. You are thankful you didn't give up Claratin for Lent.

3. You no longer have cans of soda (Diet Pepsi or Diet Mountain Dew) in your office. You now keep two liters available to keep you running.

2. When you check your email on Thursday night, there is an e-card from your kitchen appliances saying, "We miss you."

1. You are so exhausted/overwhelmed/scatterbrained during the week that you forget the password to your blog leaving you to post about Holy Week on Easter Monday.

With Holy Week behind this means it is now Easter! So happy Easter to all!

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