Did you ever consider we might be using the wrong words?
I just got an email from a group that began by citing statistics on how people are leaving the Church and the need to respond. Yes, this is an issue. I would be the organization has great ideas and wonderful resources.
But I think our fundamental issue may lie in how we talk about the issue.
We get so concerned over empty pews, low collections, and poor engagement. We play the numbers game. However, might it be our very concern over these numbers indicate part of what drives people away.
Now I know that the reasons people leave the Church or never give it a chance are complex and varied. But might we be missing the boat when we don't look at the relational issues?
Instead of concerning ourselves with those who are or are not coming to Church, those who aren't donating, or those who aren't engaged, what if we addressed things differently. What if we instead concerned ourselves with the fact that all these numbers indicate that there is a large group of people without a relationship with God, without spiritual food, without a community of faith and support? Perhaps if we started to talk about the problem, not as it affects us in the institution, but as it affects people, we may find ourselves on the right track.