Friday, December 18, 2009

Pope, Tupac, and Youth has a great article on youth, the Pope, and the web. You should check it out.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Oh, NCYC...

Major addition to the "Things Not To Do In Youth Ministry" list:
Do not get the flu the week before NCYC

Fret not, it wasn't H1N1. I was no longer contagious or exceptionally gross. I was just beyond exhausted, consistently needing to blow my nose, and generally wishing for my own comfy bed each night.

All illness aside, it was a fantastic experience. Were you there? I have to brag a moment about one of my kids. Remember during Thursday night's session when they did the song with the parables? Remember the kid with the terribly deep voice singing the dad's part in the prodigal son parable? Yup, that kid is one of my youth groupers. If you heard about 5 girls screaming "Go Deh-Deh!" those were my kids too, just showing their support. Insanely proud of him for all he accomplished.

It was a different experience for me as I spent surprisingly little time, usually just the night sessions, with my teens. I was at a booth for the afternoons and therefore missed all the workshops. However, I loved the experience of speaking with more people from all over due to the booth.

I'm looking forward to the NCCYM conference in New Orleans in a year. Hope to see you all there too!